Cones or seeds of conifers
Insects and mites
Arborvitae leafminer
Scientific name: Argyresthia thuiella (Packard)
Barry’s hairstreak
Scientific name: Callophrys grynea barryi (Johnson)
Common emerald
Scientific name: Hemithea aestivaria (Hubner)
Cypress tip moth
Scientific name: Argyresthia cupressella Walshingham
Filament bearer
Scientific name: Nematocampa resistaria (Herrich-Schaffer)
Fir coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote)
Great brocade
Scientific name: Eurois occulta (Linnaeus)
Jack pine budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura pinus pinus Freeman
Juniper scale
Scientific name: Carulaspis juniperi (Bouché)
Juniper webworm
Scientific name: Dichomeris marginella (Fabricius)
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Orange tortrix
Scientific name: Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernie)
Red pine cone beetle
Scientific name: Conophthorus resinosae Hopkins
Rosner’s hairstreak
Scientific name: Callophrys grynea rosneri (Johnson)
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
Spruce seed moth
Scientific name: Cydia strobilella Linnaeus
Two-year cycle spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura occidentalis biennis (Freeman)
Western cedar borer
Scientific name: Trachykele blondeli Marseul
Western spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura occidentalis occidentalis Freeman
- Abagrotis glenni (Buckett)
Arborvitae leafminer
Scientific name: Argyresthia thuiella (Packard)
Barry’s hairstreak
Scientific name: Callophrys grynea barryi (Johnson)
- Choristoneura lambertiana (Busck)
Common emerald
Scientific name: Hemithea aestivaria (Hubner)
Cypress tip moth
Scientific name: Argyresthia cupressella Walshingham
- Digrammia setonana (McDunnough)
- Digrammia triviata (Barnes & McDunnough)
- Enypia venata (Grote)
- Epinotia hopkinsana (Kraft)
- Eupithecia niphadophilata (Dyar)
- Eupithecia placidata (Taylor)
- Eupithecia unicolor (Hulst)
Filament bearer
Scientific name: Nematocampa resistaria (Herrich-Schaffer)
Fir coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote)
Great brocade
Scientific name: Eurois occulta (Linnaeus)
Jack pine budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura pinus pinus Freeman
Juniper scale
Scientific name: Carulaspis juniperi (Bouché)
Juniper webworm
Scientific name: Dichomeris marginella (Fabricius)
- Lithophane itata (Smith)
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Orange tortrix
Scientific name: Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernie)
Red pine cone beetle
Scientific name: Conophthorus resinosae Hopkins
Rosner’s hairstreak
Scientific name: Callophrys grynea rosneri (Johnson)
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
Spruce seed moth
Scientific name: Cydia strobilella Linnaeus
Two-year cycle spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura occidentalis biennis (Freeman)
Western cedar borer
Scientific name: Trachykele blondeli Marseul
Western spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura occidentalis occidentalis Freeman
Diseases caused by pathogens
Brown felt blight
Pathogen name: Herpotrichia juniperi (Duby) Petr.
Cedar leaf blight
Pathogen name: Didymascella thujina (E.J. Durand) Maire
Inland spruce cone rust
Pathogen name: Chrysomyxa pirolata G. Wint. in Rabenh.
Large-spored spruce – Labrador tea rust
Pathogen name: Chrysomyxa ledicola (Peck) Lagerh.
Sirococcus Shoot Blight
Pathogen name: Sirococcus conigenus (Dc.) Cannon & Minter
Spruce cone rusts
Pathogen name: Chrysomyxa monensis Ziller
Western gall rust
Pathogen name: Cronartium harknessii E. Meinecke
Brown felt blight
Pathogen name: Herpotrichia juniperi (Duby) Petr.
Cedar leaf blight
Pathogen name: Didymascella thujina (E.J. Durand) Maire
Inland spruce cone rust
Pathogen name: Chrysomyxa pirolata G. Wint. in Rabenh.
Large-spored spruce – Labrador tea rust
Pathogen name: Chrysomyxa ledicola (Peck) Lagerh.
Sirococcus Shoot Blight
Pathogen name: Sirococcus conigenus (Dc.) Cannon & Minter
Spruce cone rusts
Pathogen name: Chrysomyxa monensis Ziller
Western gall rust
Pathogen name: Cronartium harknessii E. Meinecke
Diseases and damage caused by other agents
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