Foliage or buds of conifers
Insects and mites
Aphids (plant lice)
Scientific name: Aphis sp.
Arborvitae weevil
Scientific name: Phyllobius intrusus Kono
Balsam fir sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion abietis (Harris)
Balsam gall midge
Scientific name: Paradiplosis tumifex Gagné
Balsam shootboring sawfly
Scientific name: Pleroneura brunneicornis Rohwer
Balsam twig aphid
Scientific name: Mindarus abietinus Koch
Balsam woolly adelgid
Scientific name: Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg)
Brown cedar leafminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites thujaella (Kft)
Brownlined looper
Scientific name: Neoalcis californiaria (Packard)
Ceanothus silk moth
Scientific name: Hyalophora euryalis (Walker)
Common emerald
Scientific name: Hemithea aestivaria (Hubner)
Cooley spruce gall adelgid
Scientific name: Adelges cooleyi (Gillette)
Cypress leaftier
Scientific name: Epinotia subviridis Heinrich
Dioryctria moth
Scientific name: Dioryctria pseudotsugella Munroe
Douglas-fir bud moth
Scientific name: Zeiraphera hesperiana (Mutuura & Freeman)
Douglas-fir tussock moth
Scientific name: Orgyia pseudotsugata (McDunnough)
Eastern blackheaded budworm
Scientific name: Acleris variana (Fernald)
Eastern pine shoot borer
Scientific name: Eucosma gloriola Heinrich
Eastern spruce gall adelgid
Scientific name: Adelges abietis (Linnaeus)
European pine sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy)
European pine shoot moth
Scientific name: Rhyacionia buoliana (Denis and Schiffermuller)
European pineneedle midge
Scientific name: Contarinia baeri (Prell)
European spruce sawfly
Scientific name: Gilpinia hercyniae (Hartig)
Filament bearer
Scientific name: Nematocampa resistaria (Herrich-Schaffer)
Fir coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote)
Fir needle inchworm
Scientific name: Eupithecia lariciata (Frey.)
Gelechiid moth
Scientific name: Chionodes continuella (Zeller)
Golden buprestid
Scientific name: Buprestis aurulenta Linnaeus
Gray spruce looper
Scientific name: Caripeta divisata Walker
Green larch looper
Scientific name: Semiothisa sexmaculata (Packard)
Green spruce aphid; spruce aphid
Scientific name: Elatobium abietinum (Walker)
Green velvet looper
Scientific name: Epirrita autumnata (Harrison)
Greenheaded spruce sawfly
Scientific name: Pikonema dimmockii Cresson
Greenstriped forest looper
Scientific name: Melanolophia imitata (Walker)
Greenstriped webspinning sawfly
Scientific name: Acantholyda balanata (MacGillivray)
Hemlock looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenée)
Hemlock sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion tsugae Middleton
Introduced pine sawfly
Scientific name: Diprion similis (Hartig)
Jack pine budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura pinus pinus Freeman
Jack pine resin midge
Scientific name: Cecidomyia resinicola (Osten Sacken)
Juniper webworm
Scientific name: Dichomeris marginella (Fabricius)
Larch casebearer
Scientific name: Coleophora laricella (Hubner)
Larch needleworm
Scientific name: Zeiraphera improbana (Walker)
Larch pug moth
Scientific name: Eupithecia annulata (Hulst)
Larch sawfly
Scientific name: Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig)
Lodgepole terminal weevil
Scientific name: Pissodes terminalis (Hopping)
Metallic pitch blister moth
Scientific name: Petrova metallica (Busck)
Northern pitch twig moth
Scientific name: Petrova albicapitana (Busck)
Northern tent caterpillar
Scientific name: Malacosoma californicum pluviale (Dyar)
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Orange tortrix
Scientific name: Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernie)
Packard’s gridle moth
Scientific name: Enypia packardata (Taylor)
Pero moth
Scientific name: Pero morrisonaria (Hy. Edwards)
Phantom hemlock looper
Scientific name: Nepytia phantasmaria (Strecker)
Pine false webworm
Scientific name: Acantholyda erythrocephala (L.)
Pine leaf adelgid
Scientific name: Pineus pinifoliae (Fitch)
Pine measuringworm moth
Scientific name: Hypagyrtis piniata (Pack.)
Pine needle scale
Scientific name: Chionaspis pinifoliae (Fitch)
Pine needle sheathminer
Scientific name: Zelleria haimbachi Busck
Pine shoot beetle
Scientific name: Tomicus piniperda (L.)
Pine tortoise scale
Scientific name: Toumeyella parvicornis (Cockerell)
Pine tussock moth
Scientific name: Dasychira grisefacta (Dyar)
Pine zale
Scientific name: Zale duplicata (Bethune)
Poplar-and-willow borer
Scientific name: Cryptorhynchus lapathi (Linnaeus).
Purplestriped shootworm
Scientific name: Zeiraphera unfortunana Powell
Red pine cone beetle
Scientific name: Conophthorus resinosae Hopkins
Red pine needle midge
Scientific name: Thecodiplosis piniresinosae Kearby and Benjamin
Red pine sawfly
Neodiprion nanulus
- Neodiprion nanulus contortae
- Neodiprion nanulus nanulus
Red-barred tortrix
Scientific name: Ditula angustiorana (Haworth)
Redheaded pine sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion lecontei (Fitch)
Redlined conifer caterpillar
Scientific name: Feralia jocosa (Gn.)
Rusty tussock moth
Scientific name: Orgyia antiqua (L.)
Saddleback looper
Scientific name: Ectropis crepuscularia (Denis and Schiffermuller)
Silverspotted tiger moth
Scientific name: Lophocampa argentata (Packard)
Small pine looper
Scientific name: Eupithecia palpata Pack.
Speckled green fruitworm
Scientific name: Orthosia hibisci (Guenée)
Spruce bud moth
Scientific name: Zeiraphera canadensis Mutuura and Freeman
Spruce bud scale
Scientific name: Physokermes piceae (Schr.)
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce climbing cutworm
Scientific name: Syngrapha alias (Ottolengui)
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
Spruce fir looper
Scientific name: Macaria signaria dispuncta (Walker)
Spruce needleworm, Paler dolichomia moth
Scientific name: Dolichomia thymetusalis (Walker)
Spruce spider mite
Scientific name: Oligonychus ununguis (Jacobi)
Spruce tip moth; redstriped needleworm
Scientific name: Epinotia radicana (Heinr.)
Spruce webspinning sawfly
Scientific name: Cephalcia fascipennis (Cresson)
Swaine jack pine sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion swainei Middleton
Threelined larch sawfly
Scientific name: Anoplonyx luteipes (Cresson)
Two-year cycle spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura occidentalis biennis (Freeman)
Twolined larch sawfly
Scientific name: Anoplonyx laricivorus (Rohwer et Middleton)
Upright webspinning sawfly
Scientific name: Acantholyda verticalis (Cresson)
Western blackheaded budworm
Scientific name: Acleris gloverana (Walsingham)
Western false hemlock looper
Scientific name: Nepytia freemani (Munroe)
Western hemlock looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa (Hulst)
Western larch sawfly
Scientific name: Anoplonyx occidens Ross
Western oak looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria somniaria (Hulst)
Western pine elfin
Scientific name: Callophrys eryphon (Boisduval)
Western spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura occidentalis occidentalis Freeman
Western webspinning sawfly
Scientific name: Cephalcia californica Middlekauff
White pine weevil
Scientific name: Pissodes strobi (Peck)
White slaut
Scientific name: Tetracis cachexiata (Guenée)
Whitelined looper
Scientific name: Epirrita pulchraria (Taylor)
Whitetriangle leafroller
Scientific name: Clepsis persicana (Fitch)
Yellowheaded spruce sawfly
Scientific name: Pikonema alaskensis (Rohwer)
Yellowlined forest looper
Scientific name: Cladara limitaria (Walker)
Aphids (plant lice)
Scientific name: Aphis sp.
Arborvitae weevil
Scientific name: Phyllobius intrusus Kono
- Archips tsugana (Powell)
- Argyrotaenia dorsalana (Dyar)
Balsam fir sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion abietis (Harris)
Balsam gall midge
Scientific name: Paradiplosis tumifex Gagné
Balsam shootboring sawfly
Scientific name: Pleroneura brunneicornis Rohwer
Balsam twig aphid
Scientific name: Mindarus abietinus Koch
Balsam woolly adelgid
Scientific name: Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg)
Brown cedar leafminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites thujaella (Kft)
Brownlined looper
Scientific name: Neoalcis californiaria (Packard)
- Caripeta aequaliaria Grote
Ceanothus silk moth
Scientific name: Hyalophora euryalis (Walker)
- Choristoneura lambertiana (Busck)
- Coleotechnites atrupictella (Dietz)
Common emerald
Scientific name: Hemithea aestivaria (Hubner)
Cooley spruce gall adelgid
Scientific name: Adelges cooleyi (Gillette)
- Cosmia elisae (J.B. Smith)
Cypress leaftier
Scientific name: Epinotia subviridis Heinrich
Dioryctria moth
Scientific name: Dioryctria pseudotsugella Munroe
Douglas-fir bud moth
Scientific name: Zeiraphera hesperiana (Mutuura & Freeman)
Douglas-fir tussock moth
Scientific name: Orgyia pseudotsugata (McDunnough)
Eastern blackheaded budworm
Scientific name: Acleris variana (Fernald)
Eastern pine shoot borer
Scientific name: Eucosma gloriola Heinrich
Eastern spruce gall adelgid
Scientific name: Adelges abietis (Linnaeus)
- Egira hiemalis (Grote)
- Egira simplex (Walker)
- Enypia griseata (Grossbeck)
- Enypia venata (Grote)
- Epinotia hopkinsana (Kraft)
- Eulithis destinata (Moesch)
- Eupithecia interruptofasciata (Packard)
- Eupithecia longipalpata (Packard)
- Eupithecia olivacea (Taylor)
- Eupithecia ornata (Hulst)
- Eupithecia subfuscata (Haworth)
- Eupithecia unicolor (Hulst)
European pine sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy)
European pine shoot moth
Scientific name: Rhyacionia buoliana (Denis and Schiffermuller)
European pineneedle midge
Scientific name: Contarinia baeri (Prell)
European spruce sawfly
Scientific name: Gilpinia hercyniae (Hartig)
- Feralia comstocki Grote
Filament bearer
Scientific name: Nematocampa resistaria (Herrich-Schaffer)
Fir coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote)
Fir needle inchworm
Scientific name: Eupithecia lariciata (Frey.)
- Gabriola dyari (Taylor)
Gelechiid moth
Scientific name: Chionodes continuella (Zeller)
- Glena nigricaria (Barnes and McDunnough)
Golden buprestid
Scientific name: Buprestis aurulenta Linnaeus
Gray spruce looper
Scientific name: Caripeta divisata Walker
Green larch looper
Scientific name: Semiothisa sexmaculata (Packard)
Green spruce aphid; spruce aphid
Scientific name: Elatobium abietinum (Walker)
Green velvet looper
Scientific name: Epirrita autumnata (Harrison)
Greenheaded spruce sawfly
Scientific name: Pikonema dimmockii Cresson
Greenstriped forest looper
Scientific name: Melanolophia imitata (Walker)
Greenstriped webspinning sawfly
Scientific name: Acantholyda balanata (MacGillivray)
Hemlock looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenée)
Hemlock sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion tsugae Middleton
- Hydriomena irata Swett
- Hydriomena speciosata (Packard)
Introduced pine sawfly
Scientific name: Diprion similis (Hartig)
Jack pine budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura pinus pinus Freeman
Jack pine resin midge
Scientific name: Cecidomyia resinicola (Osten Sacken)
Juniper webworm
Scientific name: Dichomeris marginella (Fabricius)
Larch casebearer
Scientific name: Coleophora laricella (Hubner)
Larch needleworm
Scientific name: Zeiraphera improbana (Walker)
Larch pug moth
Scientific name: Eupithecia annulata (Hulst)
Larch sawfly
Scientific name: Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig)
- Lithophane atara (J.B. Smith)
Lodgepole terminal weevil
Scientific name: Pissodes terminalis (Hopping)
- Macaria adonis (Barnes & McDunnough)
Metallic pitch blister moth
Scientific name: Petrova metallica (Busck)
- Neodiprion mundus (Rohwer)
- Nepytia umbrosaria nigrovenaria (Packard)
Northern pitch twig moth
Scientific name: Petrova albicapitana (Busck)
Northern tent caterpillar
Scientific name: Malacosoma californicum pluviale (Dyar)
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Orange tortrix
Scientific name: Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernie)
Packard’s gridle moth
Scientific name: Enypia packardata (Taylor)
- Pero behrensaria (Packard)
Pero moth
Scientific name: Pero morrisonaria (Hy. Edwards)
Phantom hemlock looper
Scientific name: Nepytia phantasmaria (Strecker)
Pine false webworm
Scientific name: Acantholyda erythrocephala (L.)
Pine leaf adelgid
Scientific name: Pineus pinifoliae (Fitch)
Pine measuringworm moth
Scientific name: Hypagyrtis piniata (Pack.)
Pine needle scale
Scientific name: Chionaspis pinifoliae (Fitch)
Pine needle sheathminer
Scientific name: Zelleria haimbachi Busck
Pine shoot beetle
Scientific name: Tomicus piniperda (L.)
Pine tortoise scale
Scientific name: Toumeyella parvicornis (Cockerell)
Pine tussock moth
Scientific name: Dasychira grisefacta (Dyar)
Pine zale
Scientific name: Zale duplicata (Bethune)
Poplar-and-willow borer
Scientific name: Cryptorhynchus lapathi (Linnaeus).
- Pristiphora leechi Wong and Ross
- Promylea lunigerella Ragonot
- Protoboarmia porcelaria (Guenee)
Purplestriped shootworm
Scientific name: Zeiraphera unfortunana Powell
Red pine cone beetle
Scientific name: Conophthorus resinosae Hopkins
Red pine needle midge
Scientific name: Thecodiplosis piniresinosae Kearby and Benjamin
Red pine sawfly
Scientific names:
Neodiprion nanulus
- Neodiprion nanulus contortae
- Neodiprion nanulus nanulus
Neodiprion nanulus
Red-barred tortrix
Scientific name: Ditula angustiorana (Haworth)
Redheaded pine sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion lecontei (Fitch)
Redlined conifer caterpillar
Scientific name: Feralia jocosa (Gn.)
Rusty tussock moth
Scientific name: Orgyia antiqua (L.)
- Sabulodes edwardsata (Hulst)
Saddleback looper
Scientific name: Ectropis crepuscularia (Denis and Schiffermuller)
Silverspotted tiger moth
Scientific name: Lophocampa argentata (Packard)
Small pine looper
Scientific name: Eupithecia palpata Pack.
Speckled green fruitworm
Scientific name: Orthosia hibisci (Guenée)
Spruce bud moth
Scientific name: Zeiraphera canadensis Mutuura and Freeman
Spruce bud scale
Scientific name: Physokermes piceae (Schr.)
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce climbing cutworm
Scientific name: Syngrapha alias (Ottolengui)
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
Spruce fir looper
Scientific name: Macaria signaria dispuncta (Walker)
Spruce needleworm, Paler dolichomia moth
Scientific name: Dolichomia thymetusalis (Walker)
Spruce spider mite
Scientific name: Oligonychus ununguis (Jacobi)
Spruce tip moth; redstriped needleworm
Scientific name: Epinotia radicana (Heinr.)
Spruce webspinning sawfly
Scientific name: Cephalcia fascipennis (Cresson)
- Stenoporpia pulmonaria satisfacta (Barnes and McDunnough)
Swaine jack pine sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion swainei Middleton
- Synaxis pallulata (Hulst)
- Syndemis afflictana Walker
- Syngrapha celsa (Henry Edwards)
- Thallophaga hyperborea (Hulst)
- Thera otisi (Dyar)
Threelined larch sawfly
Scientific name: Anoplonyx luteipes (Cresson)
- Tolype dayi (Blackmore)
Two-year cycle spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura occidentalis biennis (Freeman)
Twolined larch sawfly
Scientific name: Anoplonyx laricivorus (Rohwer et Middleton)
Upright webspinning sawfly
Scientific name: Acantholyda verticalis (Cresson)
Western blackheaded budworm
Scientific name: Acleris gloverana (Walsingham)
Western false hemlock looper
Scientific name: Nepytia freemani (Munroe)
Western hemlock looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa (Hulst)
Western larch sawfly
Scientific name: Anoplonyx occidens Ross
Western oak looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria somniaria (Hulst)
Western pine elfin
Scientific name: Callophrys eryphon (Boisduval)
Western spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura occidentalis occidentalis Freeman
Western webspinning sawfly
Scientific name: Cephalcia californica Middlekauff
White pine weevil
Scientific name: Pissodes strobi (Peck)
White slaut
Scientific name: Tetracis cachexiata (Guenée)
Whitelined looper
Scientific name: Epirrita pulchraria (Taylor)
Whitetriangle leafroller
Scientific name: Clepsis persicana (Fitch)
- Xestia mustelina (Smith)
- Xestia praevia (J.B. Smith)
Yellowheaded spruce sawfly
Scientific name: Pikonema alaskensis (Rohwer)
Yellowlined forest looper
Scientific name: Cladara limitaria (Walker)
- Zeiraphera vancouverana McDunnough
Diseases caused by pathogens
Balsam fir tip blight
Pathogen name: Delphinella balsameae (Waterm.) E. Müller
Brown felt blight
Pathogen name: Herpotrichia juniperi (Duby) Petr.
Cedar leaf blight
Pathogen name: Didymascella thujina (E.J. Durand) Maire
Conifer-aspen rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora medusae f. sp. tremuloidis Shain
Conifer-poplar rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora occidentalis Jacks.
Dothistroma needle blight
Pathogen name: Mycosphaerella pini Rost. in Munk
Douglas-fir needle cast
- Rhabdocline epiphylla (Parker & Reid) J.K. Stone & D.S. Gernandt
- Rhabdocline oblonga (Parker & Reid) J.K. Stone & D.S. Gernandt
- Rhabdocline obovata (Parker & Reid) J.K. Stone & D.S. Gernandt
- Rhabdocline pseudotsugae Syd.
- Rhabdocline weirii A.K. Parker & J. Reid
Elytroderma disease
Pathogen name: Elytroderma deformans (Weir) Darker
Fir broom rust
Pathogen name: Melampsorella elatina (Alb. & Schwein.) Arthur
Fir-blueberry rust
Pathogen name: Pucciniastrum geoppertianum (Kuehn) Kleb.
Fir-fireweed rust
Pathogen name: Pucciniastrum epilobii G. Otth
Fir-oak-fern rust (Hyalopsora aspidiotus)
Pathogen name: Hyalopsora aspidiotus (Magn.) Magn.
Fir-polypody rust
Pathogen name: Milesina leviuscula (Dietel & Holw.) Hirats.
Hemlock - Blueberry rust
Pathogen name: Naohidemyces vaccinii (Wint.) Sato, Katsuya et Hiratsuka
Hemlock-willow rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora epitea Thuem.
Larch needle cast
Pathogen name: Hypodermella laricis Tub.
Large-spored spruce – Labrador tea rust
Pathogen name: Chrysomyxa ledicola (Peck) Lagerh.
Needle blight (Meria laricis)
Pathogen name: Meria laricis Vuillemin
Needle cast
Pathogen name: Isthmiella faullii (Darker) Darker
Needle cast (Bifusella linearis)
Pathogen name: Bifusella linearis (Peck) Höhn.
Needle cast (Lirula macrospora)
Pathogen name: Lirula macrospora (R. Hartig) Darker
Needle cast (Lophodermium pinastri )
Pathogen name: Lophodermium pinastri (Shrad.:Fr.) Chev.
Needle cast (Lophodermium seditiosum)
Pathogen name: Lophodermium seditiosum Minter, Staley, & Millar
Phomopsis canker of douglas-fir
Pathogen name: Diaporthe lokoyae Funk
Pine needle cast
Pathogen name: Lophodermella concolor (Dearn.) Darker
Sirococcus Shoot Blight
Pathogen name: Sirococcus conigenus (Dc.) Cannon & Minter
Small-spored spruce-Labrador tea rusts
- Chrysomyxa nagodhii P.E. Crane
- Chrysomyxa neoglandulosi P.E. Crane
Snow blight
Pathogen name: Phacidium infestans P. Karst
Spruce broom rust
Pathogen name: Chrysomyxa arctostaphyli Dietel
Tar spot needle cast
Pathogen name: Davisomycella ampla (J.J. Davis) Darker
Balsam fir tip blight
Pathogen name: Delphinella balsameae (Waterm.) E. Müller
Brown felt blight
Pathogen name: Herpotrichia juniperi (Duby) Petr.
Cedar leaf blight
Pathogen name: Didymascella thujina (E.J. Durand) Maire
Conifer-aspen rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora medusae f. sp. tremuloidis Shain
Conifer-poplar rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora occidentalis Jacks.
Dothistroma needle blight
Pathogen name: Mycosphaerella pini Rost. in Munk
Douglas-fir needle cast
Pathogen names:
- Rhabdocline epiphylla (Parker & Reid) J.K. Stone & D.S. Gernandt
- Rhabdocline oblonga (Parker & Reid) J.K. Stone & D.S. Gernandt
- Rhabdocline obovata (Parker & Reid) J.K. Stone & D.S. Gernandt
- Rhabdocline pseudotsugae Syd.
- Rhabdocline weirii A.K. Parker & J. Reid
Elytroderma disease
Pathogen name: Elytroderma deformans (Weir) Darker
Fir broom rust
Pathogen name: Melampsorella elatina (Alb. & Schwein.) Arthur
Fir-blueberry rust
Pathogen name: Pucciniastrum geoppertianum (Kuehn) Kleb.
Fir-fireweed rust
Pathogen name: Pucciniastrum epilobii G. Otth
Fir-oak-fern rust (Hyalopsora aspidiotus)
Pathogen name: Hyalopsora aspidiotus (Magn.) Magn.
Fir-polypody rust
Pathogen name: Milesina leviuscula (Dietel & Holw.) Hirats.
Hemlock - Blueberry rust
Pathogen name: Naohidemyces vaccinii (Wint.) Sato, Katsuya et Hiratsuka
Hemlock-willow rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora epitea Thuem.
Larch needle cast
Pathogen name: Hypodermella laricis Tub.
Large-spored spruce – Labrador tea rust
Pathogen name: Chrysomyxa ledicola (Peck) Lagerh.
Needle blight (Meria laricis)
Pathogen name: Meria laricis Vuillemin
Needle cast
Pathogen name: Isthmiella faullii (Darker) Darker
Needle cast (Bifusella linearis)
Pathogen name: Bifusella linearis (Peck) Höhn.
Needle cast (Lirula macrospora)
Pathogen name: Lirula macrospora (R. Hartig) Darker
Needle cast (Lophodermium pinastri )
Pathogen name: Lophodermium pinastri (Shrad.:Fr.) Chev.
Needle cast (Lophodermium seditiosum)
Pathogen name: Lophodermium seditiosum Minter, Staley, & Millar
Phomopsis canker of douglas-fir
Pathogen name: Diaporthe lokoyae Funk
Pine needle cast
Pathogen name: Lophodermella concolor (Dearn.) Darker
Sirococcus Shoot Blight
Pathogen name: Sirococcus conigenus (Dc.) Cannon & Minter
Small-spored spruce-Labrador tea rusts
Pathogen names:
- Chrysomyxa nagodhii P.E. Crane
- Chrysomyxa neoglandulosi P.E. Crane
Snow blight
Pathogen name: Phacidium infestans P. Karst
Spruce broom rust
Pathogen name: Chrysomyxa arctostaphyli Dietel
Tar spot needle cast
Pathogen name: Davisomycella ampla (J.J. Davis) Darker
Diseases and damage caused by other agents
No data
No data