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Dothichiza canker of poplar


Eastern Canada

Damage, symptoms and biology

Newly planted saplings, those in nurseries, young trees under stress, and large ornamentals are all susceptible to attack. The result of canker development is the death of branches, an unattractive appearance, and possibly whole-tree mortality. Stem cankers may cause stem breakage under snow loads or high winds. Points of branch breakage and cankers present ideal locations for infection by decay and other fungi.

Other information

This fungus was known for many years as Dothichiza populea Sacc. & Briard. There is evidence that this disease is European in origin. Trees under stress are most often infected by this fungus. Control is best carried out through silvicultural methods. When establishing stands, trees should be widely spaced to reduce tree-to-tree infection, and diseased portions should be pruned from infected trees. Pruning should be carried out only during the main growing season and not at cooler times of the year. Planted stock should be maintained under good growing conditions to reduce stress and subsequent infection at outplanting.

Canadian Forest Service Publications

Dothichiza canker of poplar

Information on host(s)

Main host(s)

Hybrid poplar, Lombardy poplar


Damages caused by the dothichiza canker of poplar.
Fruiting on a Dothichiza canker caused by <em>Cryptodiaporthe populea</em>.
Dieback of a a Lombardy poplar (<em>Populus nigra cv. Italica</em>) due to infection by <em>Cryptodiaporthe populea</em>, the causal agent of Dothichiza canker.