Control methods
Forest ecosystems, which cover more than 45% of Canada's land surface, are of paramount importance in terms of preserving biodiversity as well as providing raw materials for the industry. Various measures have been developed over the years to protect this resource against pests such as insects and diseases. The different control methods can be classified as follows:
- Release of live organisms (predators or parasitoids) or pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, fungi or bacteria).
- Use of insecticides to suppress organisms considered harmful (chemical control is not employed very much in forestry nowadays).
Cultural (silvicultural)
- Wise selection of species for reforestation purposes, suitable vegetation composition, reduction in forest cover density, increased tree vigour promoted through pruning or fertilization, etc.
The purpose of this site is to describe the diseases and insects found in Western Canada's forest ecosystems. If you would like more information on the use of control methods or chemical products, we recommend that you contact the individuals or organizations listed in the Yellow Pages under "Tree Consultants", "Tree Service", "Horticultural Consultants", "Forestry Consultants" and "Agronomists".
For more information on the registered products used to control a specific insect or disease, please contact the Pest Management Information Service of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), at the following toll-free number: 1 800 267-6315.