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Brown stringy trunk rot

Brown stringy trunk rot - Cross-section of advanced decay symptoms
  • Latin name: Echinodontium tinctorium (Ellis & Everh.) Ellis & Everh.
  • French name: Carie brune filandreuse
  • Division: Basidiomycota
  • Class: Agaricomycetes




Western Canada

Damage, symptoms and biology

This fungus is the main cause of heart rot and volume loss in mature hemlock and true firs. Sporophores are reliable indicators of defect and are associated with substantial volumes of decay. One fruiting body usually indicates that the entire cross section of the log is decayed for a distance of 2 m above, and 2.5 m below the conk (Fig. f). Decay may also be present in trees that do not bear sporophores.

Other information

Advanced stages of decay closely resemble equivalent stages of rot associated with Stereum sanguinolentum. The common name for Echinodontium tinctorium, "Indian paint fungus," is derived from the native Indian use of the ground sporophores in the preparation of red paint pigments. Losses may be reduced by harvesting at pathological rotation age. It has also been suggested that infection might be reduced by inducing natural self-pruning of suppressed branchlets, which are considered to be the major infection courts.

Canadian Forest Service Publications

Brown stringy trunk rot

Information on host(s)

Main host(s)

Amabilis fir, subalpine fir, western hemlock

Secondary host(s)

Engelmann spruce, grand fir, mountain hemlock, pines, Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir, Sitka spruce, western redcedar, white spruce


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