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Armillaria sinapina

  • Latin name: Armillaria sinapina (Bérubé and Dessureault)
  • French name: Pourridié-agaric à couleur de moutarde
  • Division: Basidiomycota
  • Class: Agaricales


Base of tree



Damage, symptoms and biology

The damage caused by this weakly pathogenic Armillaria species on broadleaved trees is minor. The fungi appear to spread slowly in diseased trees that are often stressed by another agent. Where A. ostoyae and this weakly pathogenic species occur together in a managed commercial forest, the latter may reduce the damage caused by A. ostoyae by colonizing root systems, thereby denying them to A. ostoyae.

Other information

Damage that may be caused by weakly pathogenic Armillaria species can be reduced by maintaining a high level of tree vigour. In urban situations where broadleaved trees are damaged or killed, they should be replaced by a suitable conifer species.

Canadian Forest Service Publications

Armillaria sinapina

Information on host(s)

Main host(s)

Conifer, deciduous

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