The Lepidoptera consist of moths and butterflies. The name “Lepidoptera” means “scaly wings,” referring to the tiny, overlapping, and often colourful scales that cover the wings and entire bodies of adults. This is the second largest order of insects after the beetles. There is no clear technical distinction between moths and butterflies, both have larvae, most are plant-feeding, and most are referred to as caterpillars. Moth adults tend to be duller in colour than butterflies and active at dusk or at night, whereas butterflies are most active during the day.
Morphological characteristics of these insects:
- adults have two pairs of membranous wings, roughly triangular and covered with scales, which detach if handled, and forewings are usually large and more colourful than hind wings;
- some female moths of species important to forestry have either non-functional although fully formed wings or vestigial wings and are therefore flightless;
- the body and legs of adults are also covered with scales;
- adult antennae feature numerous segments, typically threadlike in females and sometimes spectacularly feathery in males; and
- mouthparts of larvae are adapted for chewing and therefore have hard mandibles, while those of adults are a curled-up proboscis that can be used to suck nectar.
General biology and ecology
Lepidoptera undergo complete metamorphosis, known as holometabolous development. The caterpillars or larvae of these insects go through a variable number of stages, and their colour and shape differ greatly (e.g., the small aspen serpentine leafminer versus the very large and spectacular caterpillar of cecropia moth). Caterpillars may be quite mobile, moving around their habitat daily (e.g., forest tent caterpillar and spongy moth). Some species form feeding structures (e.g., fall webworm and spruce budworm). The caterpillar transforms into a non-feeding, stationary pupal stage, later emerging as an adult.
Lepidopteran caterpillars are mainly plant feeders, but a few species are predators (zoophagous), or feed on dead and decaying organic matter (saprophagous or detritivorous). They can be found in many different habitats, depending on their diet and developmental stage.
Important families in the order Lepidoptera that contain tree pests
Listed below are families from this order found in this database. Species listed within the families are linked to the site’s pest fact sheets.
Coleophoridae (casebearers)
Birch casebearer
Scientific name: Coleophora serratella (Linnaeus)
Larch casebearer
Scientific name: Coleophora laricella (Hubner)
Cossidae (carpenter moths and leopard moths)
Aspen carpenterworm
Scientific name: Acossus populi (Walker)
Scientific name: Prionoxystus robiniae (Peck)
Poplar carpenterworm
Scientific name: Acossus centerensis [Lint.]
Erebidae (tiger moths and tussock moths)
Douglas-fir tussock moth
Scientific name: Orgyia pseudotsugata (McDunnough)
Satin moth
Scientific name: Leucoma salicis (L.)
Spongy moth
Scientific name: Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus)
Brown cedar leafminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites thujaella (Kft)
- Coleotechnites atrupictella (Dietz)
Gelechiid moth
Scientific name: Chionodes continuella (Zeller)
Juniper webworm
Scientific name: Dichomeris marginella (Fabricius)
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Geometridae (measuring worms, loopers, and geometers)
Brownlined looper
Scientific name: Neoalcis californiaria (Packard)
Bruce spanworm
Scientific name: Operophtera bruceata (Hulst)
- Caripeta aequaliaria Grote
Common emerald
Scientific name: Hemithea aestivaria (Hubner)
- Digrammia setonana (McDunnough)
- Digrammia triviata (Barnes & McDunnough)
Elm spanworm
Scientific name: Ennomos subsignaria (Hubner)
- Enypia griseata (Grossbeck)
- Enypia venata (Grote)
- Eulithis destinata (Moesch)
- Eupithecia interruptofasciata (Packard)
- Eupithecia longipalpata (Packard)
- Eupithecia niphadophilata (Dyar)
- Eupithecia olivacea (Taylor)
- Eupithecia ornata (Hulst)
- Eupithecia placidata (Taylor)
- Eupithecia subfuscata (Haworth)
- Eupithecia unicolor (Hulst)
Fall cankerworm
Scientific name: Alsophila pometaria [Harris]
Filament bearer
Scientific name: Nematocampa resistaria (Herrich-Schaffer)
Fir needle inchworm
Scientific name: Eupithecia lariciata (Frey.)
- Gabriola dyari (Taylor)
- Glena nigricaria (Barnes and McDunnough)
Gray spruce looper
Scientific name: Caripeta divisata Walker
Green larch looper
Scientific name: Semiothisa sexmaculata (Packard)
Green velvet looper
Scientific name: Epirrita autumnata (Harrison)
Greenstriped forest looper
Scientific name: Melanolophia imitata (Walker)
Hemlock looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenée)
- Hydriomena irata Swett
- Hydriomena speciosata (Packard)
Larch pug moth
Scientific name: Eupithecia annulata (Hulst)
Lesser maple spanworm
Scientific name: Itame pustularia (Guen.)
- Macaria adonis (Barnes & McDunnough)
- Nepytia umbrosaria nigrovenaria (Packard)
Packard’s gridle moth
Scientific name: Enypia packardata (Taylor)
Pale winged grey
Scientific name: Iridopsis ephyraria (Wlk.)
- Pero behrensaria (Packard)
Pero moth
Scientific name: Pero morrisonaria (Hy. Edwards)
Phantom hemlock looper
Scientific name: Nepytia phantasmaria (Strecker)
Pine measuringworm moth
Scientific name: Hypagyrtis piniata (Pack.)
- Protoboarmia porcelaria (Guenee)
- Sabulodes edwardsata (Hulst)
Saddleback looper
Scientific name: Ectropis crepuscularia (Denis and Schiffermuller)
Small pine looper
Scientific name: Eupithecia palpata Pack.
Spring cankerworm
Scientific name: Paleacrita vernata (Peck)
Spruce fir looper
Scientific name: Macaria signaria dispuncta (Walker)
- Stenoporpia pulmonaria satisfacta (Barnes and McDunnough)
- Synaxis pallulata (Hulst)
- Thallophaga hyperborea (Hulst)
- Thera otisi (Dyar)
Western false hemlock looper
Scientific name: Nepytia freemani (Munroe)
Western hemlock looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa (Hulst)
Western oak looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria somniaria (Hulst)
White slaut
Scientific name: Tetracis cachexiata (Guenée)
Whitelined looper
Scientific name: Epirrita pulchraria (Taylor)
Winter moth
Scientific name: Operophtera brumata (L.)
Yellowlined forest looper
Scientific name: Cladara limitaria (Walker)
Gracillariidae (leaf blotch miners)
Aspen serpentine leafminer
Scientific name: Phyllocnistis populiella Chambers
- Caloptilia fraxinella (Ely)
Lilac leafminer
Scientific name: Caloptilia syringella (Fabricius)
Maple leafblotch miner
Scientific name: Cameraria aceriella (Clemens)
Maple leafcutter
Scientific name: Paraclemensia acerifoliella (Fitch)
Lycaenidae (hairstreaks)
Barry’s hairstreak
Scientific name: Callophrys grynea barryi (Johnson)
Rosner’s hairstreak
Scientific name: Callophrys grynea rosneri (Johnson)
Western pine elfin
Scientific name: Callophrys eryphon (Boisduval)
Noctuidae (noctuids)
- Abagrotis glenni (Buckett)
Aspen twoleaf tier
Scientific name: Enargia decolor (Walker)
- Cosmia elisae (J.B. Smith)
- Egira hiemalis (Grote)
- Egira simplex (Walker)
- Feralia comstocki Grote
Great brocade
Scientific name: Eurois occulta (Linnaeus)
- Lithophane atara (J.B. Smith)
- Lithophane itata (Smith)
Pine zale
Scientific name: Zale duplicata (Bethune)
Redlined conifer caterpillar
Scientific name: Feralia jocosa (Gn.)
Rusty tussock moth
Scientific name: Orgyia antiqua (L.)
Speckled green fruitworm
Scientific name: Orthosia hibisci (Guenée)
Spruce climbing cutworm
Scientific name: Syngrapha alias (Ottolengui)
- Syngrapha celsa (Henry Edwards)
- Xestia mustelina (Smith)
- Xestia praevia (J.B. Smith)
Notodontidae (prominents)
Saddled prominent
Scientific name: Heterocampa guttivitta Walker
Nymphalidae (brush-footed butterflies)
Mourningcloak butterfly or spiny elm caterpillar
Scientific name: Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus)
Pieridae (whites)
Pine white
Scientific name: Neophasia menapia (C. & R. Felder)
Pyralidae (pryralids, snout moths, and grass moths)
Dioryctria moth
Scientific name: Dioryctria pseudotsugella Munroe
Fir coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote)
- Promylea lunigerella Ragonot
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
Spruce needleworm, Paler dolichomia moth
Scientific name: Dolichomia thymetusalis (Walker)
Saturniidae (giant silkworm moths)
Ceanothus silk moth
Scientific name: Hyalophora euryalis (Walker)
Greenstriped mapleworm
Scientific name: Dryocampa rubicunda (Fabricius)
Sesiidae (clearwing moths)
Cottonwood crown borer
Scientific name: Sesia tibialis (Harris)
Lilac borer (Ash borer)
Scientific name: Podosesia syringae [Harr.]
Sequoia pitch moth
Scientific name: Synanthedon sequoiae (Hy. Edw.)
Sphingidae (sphinx or hawk moths)
Tortricidae (tortricids)
- Archips tsugana (Powell)
- Argyrotaenia dorsalana (Dyar)
Birch-aspen leafroller
Scientific name: Epinotia solandriana (Linnaeus)
- Choristoneura lambertiana (Busck)
Cypress leaftier
Scientific name: Epinotia subviridis Heinrich
Douglas-fir bud moth
Scientific name: Zeiraphera hesperiana (Mutuura & Freeman)
Eastern blackheaded budworm
Scientific name: Acleris variana (Fernald)
Eastern pine shoot borer
Scientific name: Eucosma gloriola Heinrich
- Epinotia hopkinsana (Kraft)
European pine shoot moth
Scientific name: Rhyacionia buoliana (Denis and Schiffermuller)
Jack pine budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura pinus pinus Freeman
Larch needleworm
Scientific name: Zeiraphera improbana (Walker)
Large aspen tortrix
Scientific name: Choristoneura conflictana (Walker)
Maple leafroller
Scientific name: Sparganothis acerivorana MacKay
Metallic pitch blister moth
Scientific name: Petrova metallica (Busck)
Northern pitch twig moth
Scientific name: Petrova albicapitana (Busck)
Oak leafshredder
Scientific name: Croesia semipurpurana (Kraft)
Orange tortrix
Scientific name: Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernie)
Purplestriped shootworm
Scientific name: Zeiraphera unfortunana Powell
Red-barred tortrix
Scientific name: Ditula angustiorana (Haworth)
Spruce bud moth
Scientific name: Zeiraphera canadensis Mutuura and Freeman
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce seed moth
Scientific name: Cydia strobilella Linnaeus
Spruce tip moth; redstriped needleworm
Scientific name: Epinotia radicana (Heinr.)
- Syndemis afflictana Walker
Two-year cycle spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura occidentalis biennis (Freeman)
Uglynest caterpillar
Scientific name: Archips cerasivorana (Fitch)
Western blackheaded budworm
Scientific name: Acleris gloverana (Walsingham)
Western spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura occidentalis occidentalis Freeman
Whitetriangle leafroller
Scientific name: Clepsis persicana (Fitch)
- Zeiraphera vancouverana McDunnough
Yponomeutidae (ermine moths)
Arborvitae leafminer
Scientific name: Argyresthia thuiella (Packard)
Cypress tip moth
Scientific name: Argyresthia cupressella Walshingham
Pine needle sheathminer
Scientific name: Zelleria haimbachi Busck