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Pine needle cast



Damage, symptoms and biology

Significant levels of defoliation occur in years following periods of moist summer weather favourable for infection. Increment loss and mortality may occur after repeated epidemics, particularly in young trees.

Other information

Other fungi, including Hemiphacidium longisporum Ziller and Funk and Hendersonia pinicola Wehm., often invade needles infected with L. concolor, competing with, or parasitizing the Lophodermium (Fig. e). A related species of Lophodermella, L. montivaga Petre., can be distinguished from L. concolor by its elongate, brown fruiting structures, and it tends to have a more northern distribution.

Canadian Forest Service Publications

Pine needle cast

Information on host(s)

Main host(s)

Jack pine, lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine, scots pine, shore pine


Lodgepole pine infected with <em>L. concolor</em>
Lodgepole pine infected with <em>L. concolor</em>
Concolorous fruiting bodies of <em>L. concolor</em>
Lodgepole pine needles infected with both <em>L. concolor</em> and <em>Hendersonia pinicola</em> (black spots)