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Abagrotis glenni (Buckett)


British Columbia

This species occurs throughout the host range in the southern interior of British Columbia, it also extends to California and Utah.

Damage, symptoms and biology

Abagrotis glenni is a rather uncommon innocuous solitary defoliator.

Mature larva up to 28 mm long. Head, light with darker mottling and dark solid lines on the vertices. Body, grey and cream, prominent undulating black over greyish white subdorsal markings with a white spot in the black portion; wavy grey subspiracular stripe.

This species overwinters in the pupal stage. Adults emerge from April to May; larvae are present from late May to July and pupation occurs from July to August.

Canadian Forest Service Publications

Information on host(s)

Rocky Mountain juniper is the only known host of Abagrotis glenni in British Columbia.

Main host(s)

Rocky Mountain juniper


Dorso-lateral view of mature larva, on Rocky Mountain juniper.
Lateral view of mature larva, on Rocky Mountain juniper