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Rosner’s hairstreak


British Columbia

This species is distributed throughout the host range in British Columbia south of 510 latitude; it also occurs south to Oregon.

Damage, symptoms and biology

Rosner’s hairstreak is a rather uncommon innocuous solitary defoliator.

Mature larva up to 15 mm long. Head, green unmarked; body velvet green with cream to yellowish white subdorsal and subspiracular stripes. Body and head covered with short fine hairs.

This species overwinters in the pupal stage. Adults emerge from May to early June; females lay eggs near branch tips. Larvae are present from June to July; pupation occurs from late July to August.

Canadian Forest Service Publications

Rosner’s hairstreak

Information on host(s)

Rosner’s hairstreak is restricted to western redcedar.

Main host(s)

Western redcedar
