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Alberta, British Columbia

This species is distributed throughout the host range in the interior of British Columbia south of 530 latitude; it also occurs in mountainous western Alberta.

Damage, symptoms and biology

Digrammia setonana is a relatively uncommon innocuous solitary defoliator.

Mature larva up to 25 mm long. Twig mimic. Head, green with white patch near vertex of each lobe. Body, green, two broken thin dark green middorsal stripes, irregular white subdorsal stripe, lateral triangular white markings.

This species overwinters in either the egg or pupal stage. Larvae are present from early July to early September, pupation occurs in September, and adults emerge in September or June.

Canadian Forest Service Publications

Information on host(s)

Digrammia setonana is restricted to Rocky Mountain juniper.

Main host(s)

Rocky Mountain juniper
