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Gelechiid moth

Gelechiid moth -
  • Latin name: Chionodes continuella (Zeller)
  • French name:
  • Order: Lepidoptera
  • Family: Gelechiidae


Ontario, British Columbia

This holarctic species is generally distributed throughout the interior of British Columbia; it also extends to the Yukon and to Newfoundland and is found in Eurasia.



Damage, symptoms and biology

Chionodes continuella is a rather uncommon innocuous solitary defoliator.

Mature larva up to 12 mm long. Head and thoracic shield black. Body, rusty brown; cream coloured middorsal stripe, irregular cream coloured markings in spiracular area; dorsum of each abdominal segment marked with two pairs of dark centred cream spots.

This species appears to overwinter in the egg stage. Larvae are present from June to July, pupation occurs in mid-July and adults emerge in late July.

Canadian Forest Service Publications

Gelechiid moth

Diet and feeding behaviour

  • Phyllophagous : Feeds on the leaves of plants.
    • Free-living defoliator: Feeds on and moves about freely on foliage.
Information on host(s)

Chionodes continuella is restricted to spruce including Engelmann spruce and white spruce.

Main host(s)

Engelmann spruce, Garry oak, red oak, Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir, scots pine, trembling aspen, white spruce


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