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Comandra blister rust



Damage, symptoms and biology

Trees of all sizes and ages are affected, and the presence of cankers can result in growth defects and mortality. Outbreaks of this disease are sporadic, due to variations in the distribution of the alternate host and the periodicity of environmental conditions necessary for infection. The most serious damage has been observed in nurseries and plantations where rapid stem girdling results in high mortality.

A large numbers of galls reduces the aesthetic appearance and value of ornamentals and Christmas trees.

Other information

The aecial cankers of comandra blister rust are very similar in appearance to those of sweet-fern and stalactiform rusts. However, examination of the uniquely shaped aeciospores with a microscope or even a hand-lens will distinguish this rust from others. Swellings on seedlings might be confused with pre-sporulating gall of Endocronartium harknessii; however, C. comandrae swellings result from swollen bark, while E. harknessii galls have normal bark over abnormally thickened xylem tissue.

Canadian Forest Service Publications

Comandra blister rust

Information on host(s)

Main host(s)

, jack pine, Northern comandre, ponderosa pine, shore pine

Secondary host(s)

Mugo pine, pitch pine, scots pine


Uredinia on <em>Comandra umbellata</em>
California comandra, telial host of <em>Cronartium comandrae</em>
California comandra, telial host of <em>Cronartium comandrae</em>
Comandra blister rust canker on lodgepole pine in late summer when orange aeciospores are not present
Droplets of <em>C. comandrae</em> spermatia
Cankers on lodgepole pine with sporulating aecia
A jack pine stem with matures spores of <em>Cronartium comandrae</em>, the causal agent of comandra blister rust.
A toadflax leaf, the alternate host, with fruiting bodies of <em>Cronartium comandrae</em>, the cause of comandra blister rust.