Tolype dayi (Blackmore)
British Columbia
Damage, symptoms and biology
Tolype dayi is a relatively uncommon innocuous solitary defoliator.Mature larva up to 34 mm long. Head, grey with dark markings. Body, grey, mid-line of dorsum with dark diamond-like markings; transverse black and orange marking across dorsum of third thoracic segment; transverse black marking on dorsum of the fifth abdominal segment. Paired dorsal tubercles beset with long hairs on dorsum of each segment; hairy lobes along sides of body.
This species appears to overwinter in the egg stage. Larvae are present May to August; pupation occurs July to August and adults emerge August to September.
Life cycle (West of the Rockies)
Stage/Month | J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
Egg | ||||||||||||
Larva | ||||||||||||
Chrysalis | ||||||||||||
Adult |
Canadian Forest Service Publications
Diet and feeding behaviour
: Feeds on the leaves of plants.
- Free-living defoliator: Feeds on and moves about freely on foliage.
Information on host(s)
Main host(s)
Engelmann spruce, ponderosa pine, Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir, shore pine