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Redlined conifer caterpillar

Redlined conifer caterpillar - Lateral view of mature larva, on Douglas-fir
  • Latin name: Feralia jocosa (Gn.)
  • French name: Féralie joyeuse
  • Order: Lepidoptera
  • Family: Noctuidae





Damage, symptoms and biology

The redlined conifer caterpillar is a common innocuous solitary defoliator.

Mature larva to 30 mm long. Body, green with bright white middorsal and subdorsal stripes; spiracular stripe broken into discrete white, yellow and red oval segments; oval yellow subspiracular markings above abdominal prolegs.

This species overwinters in the pupal stage. Adults emerge May to June; larvae are present June to August and pupation occurs in August.

Life cycle (East of the Rockies)

Life cycle (East of the Rockies)
Stage/Month J F M A M J J A S O N D

Other information

Feralia comstocki is similar but differs in that the white, yellow and red spiracular stripe is continuous and not broken into discrete segments.

Canadian Forest Service Publications

Redlined conifer caterpillar

Diet and feeding behaviour

  • Phyllophagous : Feeds on the leaves of plants.
    • Free-living defoliator: Feeds on and moves about freely on foliage.
Information on host(s)

Main host(s)

Amabilis fir, balsam fir, black spruce, Engelmann spruce, grand fir, mountain hemlock, Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir, Sitka spruce, subalpine fir, tamarack, western hemlock, western larch, white spruce

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