Balsam fir
- Tip rounded or notched
- Needles arranged in 2 ranks, shorter on the upper side of the twig
- Resin ducts small, remote from the surface
- Strong odour when crushed
- 15–25 mm
- Upper surface shiny dark green, often a few white dots toward the tip
- Lower surface with 10–12 lines of white dots
- Broadly ovoid
- Resinous
- 5 mm
- Smooth, hairy
- Greenish-grey
Seed cones (mature)
- Erect, barrel-shaped
- Resinous
- 4–10 cm
- Greyish-brown
- Bracts with rounded shoulders and a needle-shaped tip, sometimes longer than the scales
- Cones break up from early September
- Bare cone axis retained on tree for several years
- Seeds abundant
- Resinous
- Firmly attached to seed coat
- Seed 3–6 mm
- Seed wing 10–15 mm
- Purple to brown
- Smooth with raised resin blisters when young
- With age, breaking into irregular scales
- Greyish when young, becoming brownish with age
- Light, soft, weak, somewhat brittle
- Odourless
- White
- Little contrast between earlywood and latewood
- Little contrast between heartwood and sapwood
- Wood pulp, lumber, Christmas trees
- To 25 m
- To 70 cm
Maximum age
- 150 years
Tree form
- Lower branches remain alive
- Green foliage extends to the ground
- Slightly tapered below the crown
- Dead branches persist for several years
- Crown regular
- Gradually tapers to a spire-like top
Root system
- Shallow
- Variety of soils and climates
Associated species
- Grows in pure stands or mixed with trembling aspen, white birch, white spruce, black spruce, red spruce, and eastern hemlock
Northern forests of central and eastern Canada
Insects and mites
Insects that cause damage to this tree.
Pale winged grey
Scientific name: Iridopsis ephyraria (Wlk.)
Pales weevil
Scientific name: Hylobius pales (Herbst)
Pale winged grey
Scientific name: Iridopsis ephyraria (Wlk.)
Pales weevil
Scientific name: Hylobius pales (Herbst)
Cones or seeds
Fir coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote)
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Orange tortrix
Scientific name: Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernie)
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
- Choristoneura lambertiana (Busck)
Fir coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote)
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Orange tortrix
Scientific name: Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernie)
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
Flowers, fruits, or seeds
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
Foliage or buds
Balsam fir sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion abietis (Harris)
Balsam gall midge
Scientific name: Paradiplosis tumifex Gagné
Balsam shootboring sawfly
Scientific name: Pleroneura brunneicornis Rohwer
Balsam twig aphid
Scientific name: Mindarus abietinus Koch
Balsam woolly adelgid
Scientific name: Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg)
Eastern blackheaded budworm
Scientific name: Acleris variana (Fernald)
Fir coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote)
Gray spruce looper
Scientific name: Caripeta divisata Walker
Green larch looper
Scientific name: Semiothisa sexmaculata (Packard)
Hemlock looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenée)
Larch pug moth
Scientific name: Eupithecia annulata (Hulst)
Northern tent caterpillar
Scientific name: Malacosoma californicum pluviale (Dyar)
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Orange tortrix
Scientific name: Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernie)
Pero moth
Scientific name: Pero morrisonaria (Hy. Edwards)
Pine measuringworm moth
Scientific name: Hypagyrtis piniata (Pack.)
Pine needle scale
Scientific name: Chionaspis pinifoliae (Fitch)
Purplestriped shootworm
Scientific name: Zeiraphera unfortunana Powell
Redlined conifer caterpillar
Scientific name: Feralia jocosa (Gn.)
Saddleback looper
Scientific name: Ectropis crepuscularia (Denis and Schiffermuller)
Small pine looper
Scientific name: Eupithecia palpata Pack.
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce climbing cutworm
Scientific name: Syngrapha alias (Ottolengui)
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
Spruce webspinning sawfly
Scientific name: Cephalcia fascipennis (Cresson)
Threelined larch sawfly
Scientific name: Anoplonyx luteipes (Cresson)
White slaut
Scientific name: Tetracis cachexiata (Guenée)
Whitetriangle leafroller
Scientific name: Clepsis persicana (Fitch)
Yellowlined forest looper
Scientific name: Cladara limitaria (Walker)
Balsam fir sawfly
Scientific name: Neodiprion abietis (Harris)
Balsam gall midge
Scientific name: Paradiplosis tumifex Gagné
Balsam shootboring sawfly
Scientific name: Pleroneura brunneicornis Rohwer
Balsam twig aphid
Scientific name: Mindarus abietinus Koch
Balsam woolly adelgid
Scientific name: Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg)
- Choristoneura lambertiana (Busck)
Eastern blackheaded budworm
Scientific name: Acleris variana (Fernald)
- Feralia comstocki Grote
Fir coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote)
Gray spruce looper
Scientific name: Caripeta divisata Walker
Green larch looper
Scientific name: Semiothisa sexmaculata (Packard)
Hemlock looper
Scientific name: Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenée)
Larch pug moth
Scientific name: Eupithecia annulata (Hulst)
Northern tent caterpillar
Scientific name: Malacosoma californicum pluviale (Dyar)
Orange spruce needleminer
Scientific name: Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott)
Orange tortrix
Scientific name: Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernie)
Pero moth
Scientific name: Pero morrisonaria (Hy. Edwards)
Pine measuringworm moth
Scientific name: Hypagyrtis piniata (Pack.)
Pine needle scale
Scientific name: Chionaspis pinifoliae (Fitch)
- Protoboarmia porcelaria (Guenee)
Purplestriped shootworm
Scientific name: Zeiraphera unfortunana Powell
Redlined conifer caterpillar
Scientific name: Feralia jocosa (Gn.)
Saddleback looper
Scientific name: Ectropis crepuscularia (Denis and Schiffermuller)
Small pine looper
Scientific name: Eupithecia palpata Pack.
Spruce budworm
Scientific name: Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)
Spruce climbing cutworm
Scientific name: Syngrapha alias (Ottolengui)
Spruce coneworm
Scientific name: Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura and Munroe
Spruce webspinning sawfly
Scientific name: Cephalcia fascipennis (Cresson)
Threelined larch sawfly
Scientific name: Anoplonyx luteipes (Cresson)
White slaut
Scientific name: Tetracis cachexiata (Guenée)
Whitetriangle leafroller
Scientific name: Clepsis persicana (Fitch)
Yellowlined forest looper
Scientific name: Cladara limitaria (Walker)
Roots, bark, stem or trunk, or branches
Diseases caused by pathogens
Diseases caused by pathogens that cause damage to this tree.
Brown cubical butt and pocket rot of cedar
Pathogen name: Oligoporus sericeomollis (Romell) Bondartseva
Brown cubical sap rot
Pathogen name: Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Wulfen: Fr.) P. Karst.
Fir needle cast (Lophodermium lacerum)
Pathogen name: Lophodermium lacerum Darker
Fir-willow rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora abietis-capraearum Tub.
Ribes-willow rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora ribesii-purpureae
Spruce needle cast (Lophodermium piceae)
Pathogen name: Lophodermium piceae (Fckl.)
Brown cubical butt and pocket rot of cedar
Pathogen name: Oligoporus sericeomollis (Romell) Bondartseva
Brown cubical sap rot
Pathogen name: Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Wulfen: Fr.) P. Karst.
Fir needle cast (Lophodermium lacerum)
Pathogen name: Lophodermium lacerum Darker
Fir-willow rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora abietis-capraearum Tub.
Ribes-willow rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora ribesii-purpureae
Spruce needle cast (Lophodermium piceae)
Pathogen name: Lophodermium piceae (Fckl.)
Foliage or buds
Balsam fir tip blight
Pathogen name: Delphinella balsameae (Waterm.) E. Müller
Conifer-aspen rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora medusae f. sp. tremuloidis Shain
Fir broom rust
Pathogen name: Melampsorella elatina (Alb. & Schwein.) Arthur
Fir-fireweed rust
Pathogen name: Pucciniastrum epilobii G. Otth
Fir-oak-fern rust (Hyalopsora aspidiotus)
Pathogen name: Hyalopsora aspidiotus (Magn.) Magn.
Hemlock-willow rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora epitea Thuem.
Needle cast
Pathogen name: Isthmiella faullii (Darker) Darker
Snow blight
Pathogen name: Phacidium infestans P. Karst
Balsam fir tip blight
Pathogen name: Delphinella balsameae (Waterm.) E. Müller
Conifer-aspen rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora medusae f. sp. tremuloidis Shain
Fir broom rust
Pathogen name: Melampsorella elatina (Alb. & Schwein.) Arthur
Fir-fireweed rust
Pathogen name: Pucciniastrum epilobii G. Otth
Fir-oak-fern rust (Hyalopsora aspidiotus)
Pathogen name: Hyalopsora aspidiotus (Magn.) Magn.
Hemlock-willow rust
Pathogen name: Melampsora epitea Thuem.
Needle cast
Pathogen name: Isthmiella faullii (Darker) Darker
Snow blight
Pathogen name: Phacidium infestans P. Karst