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Diseases caused by pathogens

A pathogen is a living organism or virus directly capable of causing disease. The term “disease” is defined as a harmful deviation from the normal functioning of physiological processes. Many taxonomically diverse organisms become phytopathogenic (cause plant diseases) under suitable conditions. Plant pathogens can be categorized by their formal biological classification (taxonomy).

Index of disease names and scientific names of their causal pathogens

The entries for diseases caused by pathogens have sections containing nomenclature and taxonomy; general information and importance; distribution and hosts; symptoms and signs; disease cycle; damage; prevention and management; selected references; and photographs depicting various stages of the pathogen and the damage caused.

Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat.

Disease name: White mottled rot

Gelatio populi

Disease name: Frost damage of poplars

Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Wulfen: Fr.) P. Karst.

Disease name: Brown cubical sap rot

Gremmeniella abietina var. Eu (Lagerberg) Morelet

Disease name: Scleroderris canker, European strain

Gremmeniella abietina var. NA (Lagerberg) Morelet

Disease name: Scleroderris canker North American strain